Saturday, July 27, 2024


On 19th January 2021, we launched a youth-centric national Vision, Malawi 2063 (MW2063), a successor of Vision 2020. MW2063 triggers change of our mindset to develop, and provides an opportunity for the country to define its developmental roadmap for the next forty-three years. MW2063 provides an inclusive development path to be achieved through strategic transformative initiatives that will change Malawi into an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle income country. However, the implementation and realization of MW2063 requires a roadmap on how we will inclusively walk through the wealth creation highway in blocks of 10-year periods. I am, therefore, delighted to present the Malawi 2063 First 10-year Implementation Plan (MIP-1) that will lead us together in  transforming Malawi into  a middle –income economy by the year 2030.


 Achieving this goal requires a transformation of our economy from a predominantly importing to an industrialized exporting economy. This entails focusing on sectors that make us more economically productive without neglecting the social sectors that will help us build the required human capital to achieve our inclusive wealth creation agenda at the shortest time possible. Malawi should not continue to rely on debt and the goodwill of others in funding our development needs. This is simply not sustainable.


MIP-1, therefore, provides a framework that will kick start our journey to being an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant nation by the year 2063. It takes us from the basics for attaining economic freedom for our children to providing them with a dignified living, forever walking tall on the face of the earth. MIP-1 has foundational transformative strategies and interventions, including flagship projects that will help meet the set milestones at the shortest time possible. These interventions are presented across the focus areas of each MW2063 Pillar and Enabler, with the necessary areas for policy and legislative reform being highlighted to provide a conducive environment for the implementation and realization of the aspirations of MW2063.


 MIP-1 is very special in that its implementation does not only operationalize MW2063, but also ensures the achievement of the 2030 global Agenda for Sustainable Development in the remaining Decade of Action.

 This is the country’s implementation blueprint for all stakeholders, including state and non-state actors. I, therefore, wish to rally all sectors to integrate MIP-1 strategies and interventions into their implementation plans so as to foster the implementation of MIP-1, specifically, and MW2063, generally. I expect that all development programs and activities for the next 10 years will align to the aspiration of building “an inclusively wealthy and self-reliant industrialized upper-middle-income country”


 My Government is committed to following a new path of inclusive prosperity in pursuit of its development goals and aspirations. We are; therefore, glad to partner with all well-meaning stakeholders in actualizing MIP-1. The Malawi we want is possible and is happening. May God bless Malawi.