On 23rd May, 2023, His Excellency, Ambassador Kwacha Chisiza, paid a courtesy call to Ms. Fumio Adachi, the New Head of United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the Investment and Technology promotion Office (ITPO) in Tokyo.
The discussions centered on cementing a continued relationship between the agency and the embassy.
The Ambassador Congratulated UNIDO’s New Head and showed appreciation to the agency for collaborating with the Embassy in organizing an online Business Webinar on 29th March, 2023. The meeting agreed on a close working relationship to enhance delivery towards achieving the MW2063 Agenda.
The meeting also agreed to co-facilitate a Physical Business indaba as the next course of action after the first one that was done on line. The meeting observed it was going to be more participative and interactive with a physical indaba.
UNIDO is a specialized agency of the United Nations with a unique mandate to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development